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Print Blog

Quick Guide To Pantone Fluorescent Inks

Quick Guide To Pantone Fluorescent Inks

When printing with Fluorescent inks, the following points should be considered:

  • Fluorescent inks should be printed on white or light backgrounds, which act as a reflector base, and enhance the fluorescence.


  • Clive Harper
Printing with Metallic Inks

Printing with Metallic Inks


What are metallic inks?

Metallic inks are formulated with tiny metallic flakes which “leaf” together on the printed surface as the ink dries.

  • Clive Harper

How Calcium Affects The Printing Process

The paper industry's switch from acidic to alkaline paper, coupled with an increase in the pH and alkalinity of municipally supplied water, has created a new set of problems for today's printer. Many of these problems can be directly traced to the increased presence of calcium in the printing environment. In the following article we share our experience in observing, analyzing and solving these problems.

  • Clive Harper

Tech Tip: Trouble Shooting Guide

GA quick guide for dealing with problems such as, Print Density Control and Print Mottling...

  • Clive Harper


Specification of lightfastness figures in accordance with the international standard C.E.I./02-59.
  • Clive Harper
What is Gas Ghosting in Offset Printing? (And How To Fix It)

What is Gas Ghosting in Offset Printing? (And How To Fix It)

Also often referred to as Gloss or Chemical Ghosting, the term refers to the appearance of a “ghost” image from the reverse side of one printed sheet on the face of the adjacent sheet. The ghost may appear as a variation in gloss level, or density and although many research projects have been carried out, it remains a complex problem. In this article, we tell you how to FIX IT. 

  • Clive Harper